NBA 台裔球星林書豪,先前因右膝髕骨韌帶斷裂之後就積極在復健,接受媒體採訪時表示目前復健相當順利,希望在 10 月可以上場比賽,許久未跟球迷們見面的他,也特別發表了這一路走來復健之路的影片,來向球迷們報告目前的近況,林書豪也希望新的球季趕快到來,要為球隊效力。



▼先前對於林書豪的傷勢,周杰倫也特地在 IG 發文:「讓我們一起魏林書豪祈福,林書豪是最棒的,希望他能盡快康復,一起為他加油。」



我剛剛經歷了我生命中最大的挫折,並且知道我需要將自己離開這個舒適圈,專注於身體的復健。 Ryan Murray,Dan Kenzie和我在過去的六個月中度過了所有這些漫長而陰雨連綿的日子,躲在溫哥華郊區,追求完美的最好細節。 Fortius與布魯克林籃網合作建立一個創新計劃,在我的身體允許的情況下挑戰我的極限。現在我將回到布魯克林去完成我所開始的一切。

I just experienced the biggest setback of my life and knew I needed to isolate myself away from everything that made me comfortable to focus on a full body rebuild. Ryan Murray, Dan Kenzie, and I spent all those long, rainy days for the last 6 months tucked away in a Vancouver suburb obsessing over the finest details chasing the ghost of perfection. Fortius collaborating with the Brooklyn Nets to build an innovative program that would push my limits as my body would allow. And now Im moving back to Brooklyn to finish what I started. Next season couldnt come sooner!! #NeverDone #honorarycanadian
